Our minister
Rev Maile Molitika
Contact can be made through the Nambour Uniting Church Office
07 54411135
A few words to introduce us more fully to Rev Maile Molitika whom we have invited to be our new Minister of the Word. We are looking forward to him
commenced his ministry in January 2022.
Maile arrived in Australia in 1984 and lived in Sydney for a number of years. During that time, he studied and was involved in the local Uniting Church,
holding various positions as a lay person before training for the Ministry.
Maile commenced theology study privately, having already been accepted as a
Lay Preacher. He presented as a Candidate for Ministry in 2001 and his first placement was as Minister of the Word at Narrandara in rural NSW.
He and his wife share a great interest in music.
Ten years ago he moved to Queensland as the Minister at Park Uniting Church in Brisbane and has led that congregation ever since. Park Uniting Church is a congregation which includes many of the local Tongan Community from that area.
Maile & Siale have a family of 6 children, all of whom are now adults, but they continue to care for their 11-year-old grandson who is looking forward to coming to Nambour with them.
Ian Woodward has recently visited Maile & Siale in Brisbane and Ian tells us they shared very happy thoughts about joining us in Nambour.
We pray for God’s blessing on Rev Maile’s ministry with us we pray for his wife and family, and also on our support and encouragement for him.

Rev. Graham Warne
Assistant pastoral care ministry
Jim Stewart
Office manager
Church Council
Chair | |
Secretary | Helen Staines |
Treasurer | Lyn Metelerkamp |
Pastoral care | Rev. Graham Warne |
Property and compliance | Lyn Blackwood-Troyahn |
Congregational Chair | Ian Woodward |
Councillors: | |
Bill Rowley | |
Linda Woodward | |
Graham Robertson | |
Graham Kent | |
Don Heaton
Website: Ian and Jenny Brown
UCAQLD resources https://ucaqld.com.au/