Nambour Congregation

Service times 9.00AM unless stated otherwise.

Activities in our Church this week

Sunday 5 MaySunday Worship Service 9AM

MondayQLD Labour Day celebration
Tuesday Indoor Bowls 9AM-12noon
Narcotics Australia 12noon-2PM
Wednesday Tai Chi 8.30AM-10.30AM
Narcotics Australia 6.30PM-8.30PM
Thursday Indoor Bowls 9AM-12noon
Narcotics Australia 12noon-2PM
FridaySunshine Coast Arts & Crafts 9AM-12noon
Saturday 11 MayNarcotics Australia 6PM-9PM

Nambour Retirement Village Services

5 MayBowderRev Maile11.00AM
20 MayRotaryRev Maile2.00PM

the Bible Study Group
Tuesday Bible Study at 9AM

downstairs in our Church.

This will continue each Tuesday in the school terms.
Contact is Betty Jenkins 5441 5385

Adult fellowship

Nambour fellowship will be meeting

next Thursday in our Church.

Please BYO cup and also any eats
that you need. This fellowship will be a bring and share
session, bring something from home and tell us that story,
a couple of good laughs or maybe some great memories can
be shared and enjoyed. Looking forward to seeing many
faces next Thursday for a good time. Everyone welcome.

Please refer to Govt guidelines and social distancing