Lifeline Shop Nambour
A ministry of the Uniting Church, Lifeline Shops support the delivery of service by Lifeline Centres. Lifeline is Australia’s leading suicide prevention service, formed through a partnership between 10,000 committed volunteers, and our centres, of which there are 40 around the nation. Lifeline provides the crucial moments of connection that bring hope and save lives. Lifeline’s vision is to achieve an Australia free of suicide and
determined to ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
You are welcome to become a volunteer: Nola de Jonge, Val Sims, Jenny Brown, Anne Kent currently volunteer and other members of the congregation including Yvonne Bowden, Dell Ford, Doreen Hetherington and Alison Staines have previously.
The whole church expresses their gratitude to those who use their gifts of mercy, helping, creativity and leadership in these areas of ministry

Sunshine Linus Inc

Sunshine Linus is a 100% volunteer non-profit organisation that is in its tenth year of operation here on the Sunshine Coast.
It is our mission to provide quilts and other comforts to the needy community on the Sunshine Coast. We endeavour to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children and adults who are seriously ill, traumatised or otherwise in need, through the gift of new homemade comforts such as quilts and blankets, and other hand made items, lovingly created by volunteers. Our first meeting took place in June 2010.
We also provide much needed support to hospital wards, oncology units, maternity nurseries, nursing homes and care associations such as Foster Parents and Special Schools.
Act for Peace – Christmas Bowl Appeal

is an Australian company based in Nambour, Queensland providing professional support in:
- Ecological and Environmental Services;
- Environmental Education;
- Stakeholder Liaison; and
- Community Development.
Our team consists of environmental professionals and administration staff with a passion for the environment and sustainability.
We take pride in the vast experience, extensive knowledge and broad range of skills of our staff, and ensure this expertise is used to manage client satisfaction and environmental outcomes. Our team of experts has over 30 years combined experience in the delivery of environmental management projects.
ECOllaboration has a proven track record of successful and timely completion of high quality projects, with excellent communication leading to a clear understanding of client requirements, resulting in the best environmental outcomes.
Our key competitive advantage is the ability to integrate our wide range of skills into complete solutions. This, coupled with vast experience in our areas of expertise, makes us ideally positioned to provide our customers with tried and tested solutions and sound advice.
We are renowned for our innovative and economic environmental services, providing the right balance between efficiency, cost effectiveness and scientific rigour. This will ensure that our work is robust, economic and appropriate.
Peacebuilders International
Peacebuilders International (PBI) has been established to stimulate and support the development of initiatives in Peacebuilding in the countries of the Asia/Pacific region. Peacebuilders International’s ultimate aim is the establishment of a just peace in these countries which is a necessary pre-condition for sustainable development. Sustainable development is necessary to relieve and eradicate poverty.
PBI will recognize and support initiatives that address both short-term or long-term issues as well as the need for long- term change. Both initiatives that aim to bring about long-term transformation of society by addressing root causes of poverty and conflict, as well as initiatives that will contribute to post-conflict relief and recovery, will be fostered and supported by PBI.
PBI will welcome as stakeholders, corporate bodies who are committed to the concept and objects of the company.
The main work and influence of PBI will be in the countries of the South-West Pacific and South East Asia. All training and resourcing will lead to mobilization and action in the countries of trainees and stakeholding bodies, and initiatives must therefore be culturally and contextually appropriate. Accordingly the work of PBI will be responsive to need, without discrimination by any other criterion.
Frontier Services