Nambour Congregation

Service times 9.00AM unless stated otherwise.

Activities in our Church this week

Bible Study
Commencing each Tuesday morning at 9AM in the downstairs
rooms is our Bible study. Rev Maile leads the study group
utilising Rev Darren King’s notes each week. Please come along,
you are all invited to learn more about God, Jesus and their love.

Sunday 2 MarchSunday Worship Service 9AM
Memorial Service for Rev. Allan Lanham

MondayNambour Garden Club 9-12
TuesdayIndoor Bowls 9-12
Narcotics Australia 12-2.00
WednesdayTai Chi 8.30-11.00
New World Choir 6:30pm – 9pm
Indoor Bowls 9am-12noon
Narcotics Australia 12noon-2pm
Saturday Narcotics Australia 6pm-9pm

Nambour Retirement Village Services

2 MarchBowderRev. Maile11.00AM
5 MarchESTIARev. Maile10.00AM
17 MarchRotary Rev. Maile2.00PM

the Bible Study Group
Tuesday Bible Study at 9AM

downstairs in our Church.

This will continue each Tuesday in the school terms.
Contact is Betty Jenkins 5441 5385

Adult fellowship

Nambour fellowship will be meeting

next Thursday in our Church.

Please BYO cup and also any eats
that you need. This fellowship will be a bring and share
session, bring something from home and tell us that story,
a couple of good laughs or maybe some great memories can
be shared and enjoyed. Looking forward to seeing many
faces next Thursday for a good time. Everyone welcome.

IN MEMORY It is 80 years on 28th July since Pilot/Officer
Jim Hocking paid the supreme sacrifice. He and his crew were
on a final exercise in a Sterling bomber (nicknamed the Flying
Coffin) when 2 engines caught fire. After ordering his crew to
bail out, he flew the plane away from the town of March in
Cambridgeshire, but crashed in a field nearby. He was 22 years
old. His name is on our Honour Board and the Airforce Stained
Glass window in the church, given by his family in his honour.
Australian Aviation has an article on the following LINK;
Sunshine Coast Council also has an article on the following LINK;

Please refer to Govt guidelines and social distancing