Prayer – God of Grace and Mercy

We give thanks as your church for the privilege to walk beside patients, families and staff in Queensland’s public hospitals through the work of our chaplains for over 40 years 
We lament that we have not been able to sustain the provision of this important mission in the same way, 
We pray for guidance as we seek out new ways of being Jesus’ hands and feet in hospitals across our state.
God, we pray for every chaplain who has heard your call to serve, to love, and to be the presence of Christ.
We give thanks for them and pray blessings over their lives. 
We give thanks for each opportunity they took to share with a patient in moments of joy and celebration and in moments of pain and anguish.
For the chance to support family and friends caring for their loved ones, we give thanks.
For each moment in which our chaplains could care, encourage and sustain medical, operational and administrative staff in their work, we give thanks.
We give thanks for each time our chaplains have been able to share peace, offer comfort, speak a blessing, sit in silence, or hold a hand.
We ask you to reach out into their lives and fill them with purpose, peace, hope, and energy for the next steps they are taking. 
In the times to come, we pray for your ongoing presence with patients, families, and staff in hospitals across the Synod.
Inspire us to new opportunities – to serve, to help, and to bless those in need.

We pray for your healing and blessing.
In the name of Christ, 



Open the eyes of my heart Lord

Pray aloud at any time, or with a soft voice, in the morning, and at dinner time,

the Lord will answer each prayer, one at a time.

Day 1 Sunday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. God I ask You in Jesus’ name to bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to prosper, have good health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 2 Monday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Bless me with love, caring power, and a sound mind. Heal me in every area of my life. God bless me with Your favour, joy, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory, for Your glory only.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 3 Tuesday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. God bless me with the desire for your knowledge, and passion to delight in You, and always seek first the kingdom of God. Bless me to know You, love You, and strengthen me to live my life to honour and please You. Please God, cleanse me of everything in my life that breaks your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up so that I may live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of ALL of my life.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 4 Wednesday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Protect me, God, from all the plans of the enemy of my own soul. God, I ask of You in this prayer to be a faithful companion to those who love me, care about me, want Your best for me, and pray Your best for me. God please forever honour these people as they may look to me for help, guidance and comfort in Your ways. May I ask for your blessings to continue in my faith for your good works.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 5 Thursday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Bless me with a deep and abiding love to read, study, listen to and meditate upon Your Word. God, let Your Word dwell within me richly. So that I may come to know You better, love You more, and make You known. God, help me with my life, show me how, and bless me to have an ever-growing closer, stronger, more intimate relationship with You.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 6 Friday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Dear God, I ask You in Jesus’ name to bless my heart – if that is the will of God for my life – and bless the lives of those I pray for. God, please heal me totally in all areas of my life. Make me whole in You. Bless me to prosper and may I continue to grow in your grace and knowledge with the love of Christ Jesus. Amen.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Day 7 Saturday Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. God, help me and bless me to walk in the truth, faith, hope, and love of Your Word and Your presence in my life. God, please place Your angels all around me to help with Your work. Bless each of us to always walk in the integrity, love, character, and habits of Christ Jesus. Let us be able to all live our lives for Your glory.

Thank You God, thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

Compiled by Rev PeterHall

Read aloud in the morning, and/or at dinnertime

Day 1 This day, O Lord, may your presence enfold us within and without; may your peace be in our hearts and in our minds;

may your joy brighten up our ‘being’;

may your love flow through us to touch another person’s life; may your Spirit be our guiding power

that we may know that we have walked with you this day. In your name, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Day 2 We wake in the morning, O Lord, from the blessing of a night’s rest, to the opportunities of the day ahead.

We pray with thankfulness in our hearts for the divine love we continue to receive.

May that love be our inspiration to everyone we meet this day and in all we do and say.

In our work and in our relaxation may we feel your presence that brings peace of mind and being.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Day 3 O Lord, when difficulties and trials come into our lives

may we trust you completely for guidance through these times

that, in trusting you, we do not worry about the process or the outcome.

Your ways, O Lord, are not our ways and we acknowledge that your wisdom is greater than our wisdom and understanding.

Where we have sought to follow our own wisdom and understanding we ask you to forgive us that we may know peace of mind.

This we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Day 4 Gracious and holy God our Father,

I thank you for the many blessings I receive from you.

I am not worthy of them or the great love you show toward me. Often I fail to live up to the standard that your Son set before us. Through His death on the cross we have forgiveness for our failings. For this we give thanks and praise you.

May I this day share that love with every person I meet through word and deed that you may be glorified. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Day 5 Unto to you, O Lord, do I lift up my heart this day,

being sincerely grateful for the opportunities that it may bring. May all I do today be acceptable to you.

Keep me ever mindful that I am dependent on your abundant grace and blessing.

Teach me to know that godliness with contentment is to my gain and to live accordingly.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Day 6 Dear Lord God, as this day opens before me may you hold centre place in it.

Life is full of uncertainties that can shake my faith and my being. Touch me again with your love and as I feel your presence in my life may my trust and faith in you be strengthened despite circumstances.

As we read of our Saviour’s life and teaching, may the qualities of goodness

be continually strengthened and deepened in our lives.

As people see us may we be a reflection of Jesus Christ and attract others to want to know Him. This we pray in His name, Amen.

Day 7 Dear Lord, another day has passed and its events have touched my life.

The mistakes that I have made today make me realize how much I need you. That need is not just for a moment but continuously.

Forgive me where I may have failed you and others in different ways.

Thank you for the blessings that I have received from you directly and through others.

Thank you that the knowledge of your love for me

will enable me to sleep peacefully and ready to serve you tomorrow. This prayer I pray in the name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.