MARCH 2023
In this time of Lent

Prayers compiled by
Rev Dr Peter Hall
Day 1. Father God, we reflect on the love that You have shown us through your Son, Jesus in his life and sacrifice on our behalf. As we reflect may your Spirit guide us into a sacrifice of time and self-indulgence to the benefit of others and to a deepening of our spiritual lives, Amen
Day 2. O Lord God, we pause in our daily endeavours to be quiet and reflect on our Christian walk. In these days prior to Holy Week may the awe of your love for us become an inspiration to set aside time to draw closer to you; may it make us more aware of our own frailties and the need to rest in you as did your Son, Jesus, that day by day we may live the love that we have received from you. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen
Day 3. God of mercy, God of love; what joy touches us as we pause and reflect on that love and mercy you have sown to each one of us. May this Lenten time be a blessing for us as we ponder our relationship with you. As your Son, Jesus,
set his face to Jerusalem may we set our faces to the future, whatever it may hold, in faith and trust in you to be our strength and guide day by day. This we pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Day 4. Lord Jesus, you gave us an example to follow in the time you spent in prayer; in the time you gave to others and healed so many both physically, mentally and spiritually. Touch each one of us, we pray, that we may be renewed at this Lenten time, into following your example in the way we relate to other people that they may glorify you in their lives also. Thank you Lord, Amen.
Day 5. Almighty God, as we reflect during this Lenten period, on the life and sacrifice of your Son, Jesus, of his resurrection and conquest of death, may your Spirit move us to be witnesses to your great love and saving grace that other lives may touched by what they see and hear in us, your children. May we be filled with your joy and share it with those that we meet so that their days may also be filled with joy. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen
Day 6. Heavenly Father, you touch us with your love and listen to our prayers. May we too have that same concern for all those that we meet. As your Son, Jesus, had that compassion for others and was prepared to give of himself so that they would benefit may we have that same compassion to those we meet. We give thanks for your presence in our lives that moulds us and motivates us to live according to your will and not our own, bringing peace, comfort and joy into the lives of others. This we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Day 7. This day, O Lord, may your presence enfold us within and without;
May your peace be in our hearts and our minds;
May your joy brighten up our being;
May your love flow through us to brighten up some-one else’s day;
May your spirit be our guiding power so that for this day
We may know that we have walked with you.
In Your Name we pray. Amen