DAILY Prayers
The preparation is repentance and learning to bear good fruit
by depending only on God.
Shalom, Darren King – Ref: Roots on the Web, The Message
Matthew 3.1-12 John fulfils the role of Isaiah’s prophetic voice preparing for the
Lord’s coming. The preparation is repentance and learning to bear good fruit by depending
only on God. When Jesus the Messiah comes, he will baptise with the Holy Spirit and fire.
This message is for the whole World as Jesus reveals the glory of God.
This time of the year is not about us, it’s about Jesus.
Prayer of adoration
Sunday – May the blessing of Love flow out through you, May the blessing of peace rest upon
you, May the blessing of Hope reside in your heart, May the blessing of Joy abide in you,
May all the blessings of the Lord be yours at Christmas and through the New Year, Amen
Monday – God of urgency and truth, at this darkest time of year we thank you for your light shown
in scripture shown in those who seek not their own glory but who point to you. You bless us in the
ordinaries of our lives and in the big moments. You are the light that no darkness can overcome
and we thank you for inviting us to share your flame of love Amen
Tuesday – Let Your goodness, Lord, appear to us, that we, made in your image, conform ourselves
to it. In our own strength we cannot imitate Your majesty, power, and wonder nor is it fitting for
us to try. But Your mercy reaches from the heavens through the clouds to the earth below.
You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift
of eternal love.
Caress us with Your tiny hands, embrace us with Your tiny arms and pierce our
hearts with Your soft, sweet cries.”
— St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Wednesday – “May we be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the
angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ
child. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever.”
— Ray Pritchard
Thursday – “God grant you the light of Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which
is purity; the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice; the belief in Christmas, which is truth;
the all of Christmas, which is Christ.” — Wilda English
Friday – “The spirit of Christmas is Christlike love. The way to increase the Christmas spirit is
to reach out generously to those around us and give of ourselves. The best gifts are not material
things but gifts of listening, of showing kindness, of remembering, of visiting, of forgiving,
and of your giving time.” — Bonnie L. Oscarson
Saturday – Almighty God, who has poured upon us the new light of your Incarnate Word;
Grant that the same light is ignited in our hearts and that this may shine forth in our lives through
Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Jesus wants us to be persistent in our prayers.
Pray always and do not lose heart.
*Please read the verses indicated in each prayer, then read the chapter too.
Prayers written by lay minister and missionary Mary Fletcher
Day 1
Come before the Lord with praise and thanksgiving.
Praise Him for His goodness, mercy and for His love for us today.
“Know that the Lord is God. It He who made us and we are His.” (Psalm 100:3)
Day 2
Let us pray today for our Nambour Uniting Church: for our Minister, Rev Maile,
for our musicians, for our IT Volunteers and our fellow worshippers with their
individual needs.
“Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.”
(Hebrews 1:25)
Day 3
Today we can pray for the whole of our Australian Uniting church, for the elected
Moderator and all who work at the top level.
Pray for the Uniting World staff as they encourage us to care for and support
our neighbours in the Pacific Island churches.
“So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.”
(Isaiah 4:10)
Day 4
Let us bring to the Lord the Uniting Church ministry to the Outback of
Queensland, for those ministering and encouraging people, for those flying the
planes or driving through long, rough and lonely roads.
“Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition
with thanksgiving present your requests to God.” (Phil 4:6)
Day 5
We remember before God today the Methodist churches in Tonga, Samoa, Fiji
and Papua New Guinea, and bring them to God for His continued guidance and
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be discouraged for the
Lord you God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Day 6
Scripture Union Queensland needs our support and prayers as they continue to
bring hope to the young people in our schools. Pray for the school Chaplains at
work each day.
“… and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us
as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:2)
Day 7
Our family and our friends need our prayers, so today we bring them to God our
Heavenly Father, praying that they will continue to know His rich blessing in their
“For this is how much God loved the world: He gave his one and only unique Son
as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience
everlasting life.” (John 3:16, The Passion Translation).
[Prayers by Mary Fletcher; Scripture quoted above from the NIV Holy Bible.]
Why the Saviour Came
(words by Wycliffe Wyndam; music composed and sung by Ken Warland).
The God who made the Universe is still with us today
A new heaven and new earth he’ll make, that will not pass away.
And so while here we walk by faith, controlled from up above
For the God who made the Universe is still the God of Love.
God’s Grace provides us safe haven, for the fallen soul of man
He sent His Son to die for us, His everlasting plan.
Ransomed, we’re healed restored, forgiven;
ransomed, in love he bore our pain.
Many of us will remember Eva Donaldson in our lives as a wonderfully caring person
with the love of God throughout her very being. Eva gave so much to her Church,
her dear husband Alan, and to her family. But so much more love did Eva have, that she
shared this love from God with the all people including the Crossroads family,
endeavouring to change things for the good of the individual person. Below is a poem
penned by Eva, as we remember her as a good and faithful servant of our Lord.
Life is the biggest journey that each of us will take –
its beginning and its ending are not our choice to make;
It’s the middle that makes the journey so worthwhile day by day –
with our doing – and our daring, our laughing – and our crying,
our caring – and our sharing, our hurting – and our healing,
our doubting – and our trusting, our giving – and forgiving,
our living – and our loving – that’s what makes life
the richest journey that anyone could take. Eva, rest in God’s peace, Ame
Let us Pray . . . .
Prayers written by the Lay-ministry of Eva Donaldson
These prayers were the last written by Eva Donaldson, using her lap-top computer
in hospital. Despite her own needs she still remembered others who were grieving and
suffering. We give thanks for the special ministry of Prayer which she has provided
through our monthly Nexus. We remember her as a good and faithful servant of our Lord.
Rest in God’s peace!
Every Day
I come to God with my love and my life
What can I do in this world of strife?
God speaks to me
through his body, the church,
Its people, its faults, its love, its worth.
Christ’s is the world in which we move,
Christ’s are the folk we’re summoned to love,
Christ’s is the voice which calls us to care,
And Christ is the one who meets us here.
For people confused by the world around
them, lost and lonely, not knowing where
to turn – may they know that it is Christ’s
world and Christ is there, with them day
by day. May we respond in love and
compassion to Christ’s voice that calls
us to care.
May we be, with Christ, a Touching Place
for others.
To the lost, Christ shows his face;
To the unloved, he gives his embrace;
those who cry in pain or disgrace,
Christ makes, with his friends,
a Touching Place.
For those who are struggling with life, and
don’t know where to turn – may they know
that Christ is there for them day by day.
And help us to hear Christ’s voice as he
calls us to care – may we, with Christ,
be a Touching Place for others
Feel for the people we most avoid,
Strange or bereaved or never employed;
Feel for the women, and feel for the men
Who fear that their living is all in vain.
Feel for the people we most avoid – strange
or bereaved or never employed. Feel for the
women and feel for the men who fear that
their living is all in vain.
Loving God, there are people who make
us feel uncomfortable and we don’t know
how to respond to their needs, their
anguish, their despair – we can feel for
them but that is as far as we go. Let
them know that you are there for them –
it is your world in which we all live – and
it is your voice that calls us to care for all.
May we, with Christ, be a Touching
Place for others.
Day 4
Feel for the parents who’ve lost their child,
Feel for the women whom men have defiled,
Feel for the baby for whom there’s no
And feel for the weary who find no rest.
Caring God, we pray for all folk who are
experiencing times of sadness, times of
distress, loss and weariness. We
remember those whom we know who
have lost loved ones recently,.. Nola,
Joan, Sheila. Let them know that you are
there for them day by day and may we,
with Christ, be a Touching Place for them
and for others.
To the lost, Christ shows his face;
To the unloved, he gives his embrace;
those who cry in pain or disgrace,
Christ makes, with his friends,
a Touching Place
For families in all their diversity, all their
relationships, all their joys and all their
sorrows we pray. May they know that it is
Christ’s world and Christ is there, with
them day by day.
May we respond in love and compassion
to Christ’s voice that calls us to care – may
we, with Christ, be a Touching Place for
Day 6
Feel for the lives by life confused.
Riddled with doubt, in loving abused;
Feel for the lonely heart, conscious of sin,
Which longs to be pure but fears to begin.

(Eva’s Easter arrangement,
home lockdown, COVID 2020)
To the unloved, he gives his embrace;
To those who cry in pain or disgrace,
Christ makes, with his friends,
a touching place.
May we respond in love and compassion to
Christ’s voice that calls us to care. May we
see Christ’s face, may we feel his embrace,
and may we, with Christ, be that touching
place for others in our own community,
Our God of the rough roads, we come today
as part of a world that is disturbed and
frightened by the Coronavirus – in its many
different forms. The numbers grow each day
and we fear its closeness to us. Many
people have been forced out of their usual
routine, compelled to isolate, away from
their families, others have lost their jobs
and they are facing an unknown bleak
future. We pray that you will be with us all
as we journey along these rough roads.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving
assurance and peace
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Our God of the busy roads, we pray for
people in their daily work-a-day lives –
people we know, people we pass in the
street and people whom we shall never
meet – all busy, perhaps even too busy to
spend time with you. But you know them,
each and every one. We confess we
struggle to see beyond the daily needs of
everyday life.
But you know us all, and we ask that you
open our minds, open our eyes and change
our thinking and understanding.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving
assurance and peace.
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Our God of the quiet restful road, we pray for
those who are taking time out and are seeking
more of your presence in their lives, and those
who have rest forced upon them through
changed circumstances beyond their
Be with them, Lord, so they know you are there
no matter what.
We pray for those in their later years who want
to rest a while and who might feel the weight
of illness and pain, of death and dying. May
they know the comfort of your healing touch.
Ease open all hurting eyes and hearts, Lord,
and shine your light in our darkness, so that
faith may flourish even in the midst of anxiety
and sorrow.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving assurance
and peace
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Our God of the road that seems to have no
ending. We pray for those who are lonely
and depressed, fearing the road that stretches
out endlessly ahead.
Father, today we pray for all who are going
through difficulties that make belief hard:
for those who are suffering physical and mental
illness, that they may feel the comfort of your
healing touch; for the bereaved, that they may
know your presence as they walk the valley of
the shadow.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving assurance
and peace
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Since we last met in our Nexus Journal Prayer time
we have all travelled different roads.
Daily Prayers
Our God of the road with its ups and downs –
its hills and valleys. We pray for our
congregation and all the people it embraces
in its outreach. Guide us through our ups
and downs and let your loving assurance
and peace enfold us all.
Some days that road will have joy in its step.
Let us rejoice with those who are rejoicing
and share that joy as a gift from you.
We pray for our children who bring joy
and challenge into our lives.
Other days that joy will be missing, but may
they all have your assurance that their road
reaches you and they are wrapped in your
love and peace.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving
assurance and peace.
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Our God of the smooth road with its signs
and guide lines, steering us in the right
direction, avoiding wrong turns and
accidents. We thank you for the wisdom and
guidance you give us through your sacred
word of old, and through your people in
every age.
Be with us as the road leads us home.
Bless our families and loved ones so they
may know your love and peace. Be with
them wherever their road is taking them
in the days ahead.
Be with all of us we pray so we may follow
where your leading takes us.
Lord, let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving
assurance and peace.
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Blessed by your loving assurance and peace,
may all our different roads lead us closer to
you. Our listening God, you hear us when
we come before you – ever open and aware
of our needs, no matter who we are.
We pray for those people who feel they are
not heard, be with them and awaken others
to a deep understanding of their needs.
We pray for people everywhere who do not
know your love and perhaps struggle even
to share the love of their fellow humans.
Our God who comes to us with embracing
arms to share our tears and joy, we thank
you for the privilege of sharing the tears
and joys of others
Be with those who don’t have a shoulder to
cry on– and those who have just too many
tears. Give us your understanding to share
their tears along with their joys.
Loving God, may your understanding and
love enfold us all and give us the courage
and strength to reach out to others in love.
Lord, Let your empowering love and peace
be with us all, giving us your loving
assurance and peace.
Bless us all, Lord, and make us a blessing
to others.
Volcano disaster, tidal wave and massive ash deposit
As we pray for the Tongan nation, please support for
Tongan disaster through Act for Peace. A retiring bowl is
placed in the foyer for your contributions to aid the peoples
of Tonga.
This is the first Tsunami that hit the Island despite the many
warnings in the past. We thank God for everything that has
happened limiting the number of fatalities with the most
damage happening to properties. Australia and New
Zealand are already there to help the country. The Tongans
in Australia are praying for the country through Pasifika Tv
and Radio.
The main thing for us is to pray for the recovery
period that the peace of God be always be with them.
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you.
And our journey begins with Advent –
Advent is a time of waiting, waiting in hope
Waiting for the wonders still to come.
So let’s light our Advent candle,
may the flames be for us a sign of hope; may its warmth be a symbol
of God’s love for us;
and may they inspire us to be hope bearers –
people of compassion and integrity,
as we pray in the name of Jesus who is the light of the world.
Born in the night, Mary’s child, A long way from your home,
Coming in need, Mary’s child, Born in a
borrowed room.
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you.
Loving God, may this Advent be a time of peace,
let out Peace candle be a sign of peace Peace in our hearts,
Peace in our community and Peace in our world.
Help us to be your messengers of peace in all our
contacts with others.
Be with those families this Advent time where tensions live on year after year-
Give them your
peace, we pray.
Clear shining light, Mary’s child, Your face lights up our way;
Light of the world, Mary’s child,
Dawn on our darkened day.
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you
Eternal God, Hope of the world, Peace of the world,
and Love of the world
we cannot grasp the immensity of your being,
and yet all around us
we catch glimpses of your power.
You speak to us in nature’s blessings.
You speak to us through science and creativity.
You reveal yourself in the love, care and the support of those around us.
You show yourself when we most need you
Giving us love, hope, peace so we can be there and live for others.
Truth of our life, Mary’s child,
You tell us God is good,
Prove it is true, Mary’s child,
Go to your cross of wood.
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you
When we least expect it, we see your hand at work.
We read your Word, time and time again, and suddenly, we are amazed
by seeing something new.
And the wonder of Christmas is revealed to the shepherds, to the wise men,
to us – and to all the world today, The babe is born,
The Christ has come, The hope of the world, The Peace of the world, The Love of the world,
The Joy of the world is with us forever.
Hope of the world, Mary’s child, You’re coming soon to reign, King of the earth, Mary’s child, Walk
in our streets again.
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you.
The journey continues into the new year –
Living with the wonder of
Christ’s birth around us.
Loving God, we bring to you all those we name in our hearts:
those who find life hard;
those who are not looking forward to the new year;
those who are being robbed of energy and life
by illness or anxiety;
those who have been bereaved. Touch their hearts with hope,
give them your peace and love
so their hearts will be filled with joy,
and use us to bless them in your name with whatever we
have to offer.
Let us live in hope,
and be signs of hope for all to see.
in Jesus’ name
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you.
God of truth, as we seek
to serve you in our daily lives may the warmth of your Spirit surround us
with the assurance of
your acceptance and hope.
Envelop our life’s journey
in your arms of forgiveness.
Surround us with the constancy of your presence among us
so we can reach out to others
in your name, and with your love, peace, hope and joy.
Let us live in peace,
and be signs of peace for all to see.
in Jesus’ name
Lord, we are your pilgrim people –
together on a journey with you.
God of surprises,
Shock us into awareness
like the strong wind of a cyclone – may your spirit startle us,
shaking us out of
the over comfortable/familiar, calling us toward the unexpected.
Let us put our faith into action,
looking for opportunities
to offer signs of hope, peace, love, joy to others –
send a card, or email, give a flower, phone with good wishes,
give love, hope, peace and joy.
to share Christ’s love.
Let us live by love, peace, hope, joy and be signs of them for all to see.
in Jesus’ name.
Life is the biggest journey that each of us will take –
its beginnings and its endings are not our choice to make.
It’s the middle that makes the journey
so worthwhile day by day – with our doing – and our daring, our laughing – and our crying our
caring – and our sharing, our hurting – ana our healing, our doubting – and our trusting, our
giving – and our forgiving, our living – and our loving,
That’s what makes life
the richest journey
that anyone could take.
This land on which we live and worship is God’s land and God’s Spirit dwells here.
We acknowledge the Kabi Kabi people, traditional custodians under God of the Sunshine Coast and its
We pay our respects and pray for their elders and all their descendants.
We are thankful that we can share with them in our community and nation.
We reaffirm our commitment to care for the land
and participate in the reconciling journey, for God requires this of us.