Home Bible Study Group will be meeting again this year
with the first get together this
at the Church in the downstairs room.
From 9.30AM and everyone is welcome to come along.
Church Activities
Home Group:
Meets each Tuesday at 9AM in a private home.
Contact: Dawn – 5441 1235
Craft Group:
Meets on 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays each month at 9AM.
Folk bring their own craft and happily enjoy the friendship over a cuppa.
Contact: Helen – 5441 4260
Nambour Adult Fellowship Group:
Adult Fellowship Thursday at 9.30AM downstairs rooms. We follow Covid-19 protocols, so everyone is welcome.
We meet on 4th Thursday each month at 9AM in our Church hall. This is open to everyone and a program of social outings and Guest speakers is arranged. Contact: Lyn – 5479 5785

Bowls Groups:
Tuesday at 9AM
Wednesday 1PM
Doug & June – 5441 3329
We are very much part of the local community and our members are involved in many different areas right across the life of our community.
The Uniting Church Award is presented at the Nambour State College Awards Night and Year 6 Graduation to students who demonstrate an inspirational ability to arise above personal challenges.
Mission Focus
Each month we support our ‘Mission Focus’ projects
- Lent Event
- Frontier Services
- The Shack in Nambour
- School Chaplains
- Women’s Shelters in Nambour
- Biggest Morning Tea and the Act for Peace Christmas Bowl.
Our Hall is used and appreciated by many community groups
- Nambour Probus,
- Sunshine Coast Linus Group,
- Narcotics Australia
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Nambour Orchid Society
- Sunshine Coast Floral Art Group
- Wesley Mission Queensland
- Nambour State College
- Nambour Garden Club
CHRISTMAS EVE Thursday Evening 24th December at 6PM
A celebration of the birth of Jesus through traditional carols, Bible readings
CHRISTMAS MORNING Friday 25th December at 7:30AM
Worship with the whole family of our Church
Worship music directed by organist & pianist Jenny Thomas
with legendary brass musician John Thomas